Al waqf and Ibtida Part1    الوقف والأبتداء الجزء الاول  

Part2  Part3  part4

One of the most important areas in the science of Tajweed is knowledge of how to stop and begin recitation.
The understanding of Allah‟s words can‟t be appreciated ,nor correct understanding achieved without this knowledge .

First: Al Waqf (The stopping)    الوقف

There are three divisions:

1-The Optional Waqf  (Stop)    الوقف الاختيارى

This is what was intended by the reciter by his own choice, without any outside reasons. This is the category of stopping that will be discussed in details , needs to be studied and applied in the correct way.


The optional stop is divided into four categories:

  • Complete  تام
  • Sufficient  كاف
  • Good  حسن
  • Repulsive  قبيح

2-The Compelled Waqf (Stop)   الوقف الاضرارى

This is what happens when the reader has a compelling reason for stopping such as shortness of breath, sneezing, coughing, disability, forgetfulness, and whatever is similar to these causes. In these cases it is allowed to stop on the end of the word the reciter was at, even if the meaning is not complete.

After the compelling state has passed, the reader then starts with the word stopped on, and then joins it with what follows if it is a sound beginning; if not, the reader then should start back one or two or more words, until they can start with what is sound for a beginning.

3-The Test Waqf  (Stop)  الوقف الاختبارى 

This is what is required of the student when being examined or taught by a teacher.The teacher may stop the student and correct him in a letter, in reading, in Tajweed, or anything else that they feel needs correcting. The student stops when instructed to, and attempts to correct the mistake.

THE OPTIONAL Waqf  (STOP )    الوقف الاختيارى

1-The complete Waqf  (stop )  الوقف التام

Its definition: It is the stop on a Quranic word complete in meaning and not attached to what follows it in grammatical expression or in meaning. If something is attached in meaning, it means that the preceding and following words are attached in meaning, but not necessarily attached in grammatical structure. This category of stop is usually found at the end of an ayah, and at the completion of stories in the Quran.

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